Nestled within Charlotte’s Uptown and all throughout the Metro area, it is quite simple to find places to escape, be outside and enjoy nature. These places are affectionately known as “greenways” and they include paved and unpaved pathways, with benches, streams, and just overall, beautiful scenery. They connect one place to another, they connect neighborhoods and they connect towns – and they offer Charlotte residents wonderful areas to walk, jog, ride bikes or just relax and admire their surroundings.
The Charlotte greenways are made up of 37 miles of paved paths and 150 miles of unpaved paths. This systems of pathways is quickly becoming one of the largest in the nation and as residents of the area, we get to reap the benefits!
To look for a specific greenway near you, or try something new, please visit the Mecklenburg County website. They list every greenway, provide a description of the path and the terrain and also the distance of the greenway. You will quickly see, there is a path for every fitness level to enjoy!
Example – Four Mile Creek
This greenway links downtown Matthews with Squirrel Lake Park and connect neighborhoods from E. John Street to S. Trade Street. It includes an asphalt trail with a boardwalk. This is the first greenway in the Town of Matthews. (