Breaking News: NC Homeowners Insurance Rates Set to Skyrocket by 42.2%
ATTENTION: Homeowners in North Carolina may face a massive 42.2% increase in insurance rates by the NC Rate Bureau (NCRB). And if you’re coastal, brace yourself for a jaw-dropping 99.4% jump. Can you believe it?
These increases would devastate many families and seniors on fixed incomes. Not to mention, it comes at a time when everything else is already getting more expensive. We have to stand up and make our voices heard.
I’m asking you to email NC Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey. Tell him these increases are too high and urge him to consider more reasonable incremental increases. Our homeowners need protection from these skyrocketing rates!
Will you join me in taking a stand? Email Commissioner Causey or respond to this CFA TODAY – our neighbors depend on us all to fight back against this proposal. Let’s make our voices heard and fight against this proposal by the NC Insurance Rate Bureau!
Emailed public comments should be sent by Feb. 2 to
OR, You can also respond to this vital Call For Action by clicking here: