We don’t have to tell you everything feels completely upended. We are a week into our work from home and kids “homeschooling”, and every day continues to bring with it new challenges that we all are facing as a community.
If you are like us, you are searching for creative new ways to get some much-needed exercise and fun time with your family. A daily family recess time can be a great stress reliever and a chance to unplug and tune out from the media and electronic devices. No matter what your family looks like – young kids, tween kids, empty nesters, never had kids, but consider yourself a kid at heart – you need recess time!
So we have a contest for you!
Get creative with your #FamilyRecess time and tag us in your photos! Maybe you will inspire your neighbor with something they had not thought of. Supporting each other in the process — taking it seriously and being safe — but also figuring out how to make it through the days while we get past this together.
Indoor or Safe Outdoor Activity Ideas:
Chalk drawings on your driveway
Hopscotch or four-square on your patio
Master Lego builds!
Board games – Operation anyone?
Family bake off!
Show us your creativity!
Follow us on social, then post and tag us in your #FamilyRecess pics!
Facebook: @WeLoveConcord
Instagram: @LeighsellsClt
Not on Social? No worries, you can still play along, please complete our Google Form or send an email to hello@leighbrown.com.
3 lucky winners will be randomly selected on March 31 to receive a gift card from a local business!