The most recorded carol of all time, Silent Night.

Written in a tiny village in Austria by Franz Gruber and Joseph Mohr, churchmen who wanted a simple song to perform for Christmas, since the organ had been damaged by flooding. It was performed with accompaniment by the guitar, and was later performed by groups of traveling folk singers, spreading it around the world.

But perhaps the most famous place the carol has been sung was also the most unusual: the trenches of WWI. In December 1914, hostilities had died down between battles, as tense English, French, and German soldiers waited for the next bout of gunfire.

But on Christmas Eve, what they got instead was an unexpected ceasefire. In certain places along the line, enemy soliders ventured into no-man’s land to play games, exchange gifts, smoke cigarettes, and celebrate together as best they could, knowing that in a few days they would resume fighting against each other again.

Maybe one day we will stop the fighting. Until then, love on someone the way Jesus loves on you.

Merry Christmas, friends.