Today I had a real eye-opening moment during a conversation with someone I deeply respect. I asked a direct question and got what seemed like a straightforward answer… until I discovered it was a blatant LIE.
In today’s fast-paced world, the truth always resurfaces, leaving me questioning everything – my judgment, their integrity, you name it. But instead of dwelling on doubt, I turned to Psalm 120, which says, “Deliver my soul, oh Lord, from lying lips and from deceitful tongues.” And you know what? Not only did I find solace, but the person who lied actually came clean, looked me in the eye, and owned up to it. Their honesty and accountability restored my respect for them, proving that even in a world where personal responsibility is often overlooked, doing things the right way matters.
So remember, even if you mess up, don’t lose hope – own it and make it right. It’s never too late to do the right thing. Join me for daily devotionals here: