There are lots of ways to use them you mightn’t have thought of!
Scratch that itch!
Put 2 cups of Cheerios in a blender, then add to a warm bath. It’ll take the itch out of chicken pox, poison ivy, or other skin irritations (it’ll also soothe a sunburn!)
Be good to your face.
Make a paste from ground-up Cheerios, lemon juice, and honey. Apply the mix to your face, sit back for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Soothe those hands.
Grind a cup of Cheerios in a blender, then empty the powder into a big bowl. Rub the powder on your hands & it’ll remove the top layer of dead skin cells. Rinse with cool water, then rub your hands with your favorite lotion.
Be good to your heart.
Cheerios are loaded with beta-glucan, a fiber that can lower your cholesterol levels. So eat those Cheerios. They’re good for your heart.
Snap! Crackle! Pop?
Switch up those marshmallow treats and use Cheerios instead of Rice Krispies. Follow the normal recipe—you can even add M&Ms, raisins or some dry-roasted peanuts, or all three!—for a yummy twist on a classic.
Get crispy!
Lighten up that fried chicken. Mix 2 cups ground Cheerios, ground black pepper, a teaspoon of parsley flakes, 1/4 teaspoon each of garlic powder and oregano, and salt to taste. Dip chicken breasts in skim milk, coat in Cheerios mixture, then bake at 400 for about half an hour. Col. Sanders, eat your heart out!