Hey Y’all!
So believe it or not, the check writing process still exists. Crazy, right? In a world dominated by auto-pay and online bill pay, 2020 still calls for official documents to be signed and dated in hard copy.
None of us want to be scammed. I can’t think of a more dreadful situation then having my identity compromised or experiencing my official documents being tampered with. 2020 brings into play a unique number combination that easily allows for scammers and the ‘dishonest’ individuals among us to change dates on an official document.
Instead of dating your check as ‘1-22-20’, be sure to write out ‘1-22-2020’. Scammers can easily turn the ‘20’ to ‘2019’. Before you know it, you have a backdated check rummaging your account; you have tax returns that are now fraudulent. Even honest mistakes can happen with those lovely computers having to interpret about a gazillion ‘20’s’ per day.
Do yourself a favor – write out 2020 to avoid any potential headaches!
I’m here to help, y’all! Drop me a line – heck, come by and see me! Here’s to an amazing ‘2020’.
~ Leigh