Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Here are some intriguing facts you may not know about Saint Patrick: ⁣

1. He wasn’t officially a saint, as he was never canonized by the church.⁣

2. He wasn’t Irish—he was Welsh.⁣

3. The story about him driving out snakes? Not quite true.⁣

Surprising, right? But it’s how Saint Patrick shared these truths—calmly and thoughtfully—that helped him spread Christianity so effectively. His ability to convey his beliefs stemmed from a strong foundation of faith laid by his family. Despite years of enslavement, his faith remained his support system, embodying the essence of Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”⁣

Let’s take this message to heart. Encourage your children’s spiritual education and take them to church. Like Saint Patrick, they too could have a profound impact on the world.⁣